Lega dan bersyukur sangat-sangat selepas menghabiskan exam OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) semalam. Alhamdulillah.
So, entry kali ini ditulis atas permintaan ukhti Ishikawa. Katanya untuk memudahkan sahabat-sahabat yang akan mengambil 'rotation surgery' selepas ini.
Berikut adalah tajuk-tajuk yang telah ditanya dalam exam yang telah berlangsung selama 2 hari semalam.
Mini OSCE (10 slides, 4Q and 4minutes for each slide)
10 slides that were shown to us are:
1. Gastric CA
a) Investigation
b) Diagnosis
c) Postoperative factor of megaloblastic anemia related to the pathology seen.
d) Management
2. Colon CA
a) Pathological seen
b) Symptom/sign
c) Investigation
3. Squamous Cell CA
a) What type of lesion that you can see (ulcer)
b) Diagnosis
4. Inflamatory Breast CA
a) Diagnosis
b) Management
c) Having child at younger age reduced or increased the risk of having breast CA?
d) Where can it metastasized?
5. Varicocele
a) Pathological seen
c) Sign/symptom
d) Management
6. Probe of Branchial-Ankle Index
a) Name of the procedure
b) Normal value
c) The cuff will be place on what artery? (post tibial a.)
d) What is the problem that we may investigate using this procedure?
7. Meckel's Diverticulum
a) What is the structure?
b) Does it has any factor associated w malignancy?
c) How many % of population may have this disease?
d) Sign/symptom
8. Duodenal Atresia (xray)
a) Radiological seen (2 bubbles)
b) Management
c) What syndrome associate w this problem?
9. Colostomy
a) What structure that you can see?
b) What is the indication of this procedure?
c) What is the complication?
d) What is the consistency of ? that may comes out fr the sturucture?
10. Cholelithiasis or cholangitis (not sure)
a) pathological seen
b) Investigation
c) Management
OSCE session (2 history taking, 2 Physical Examination)
History taking:
1. Obstructive Jaundice
a) Biochemical test
b) Non-invasive Imaging Techniques
c) Invasive Imaging Techniques
2. Abdominal Pain and LLQ mass.
a) Diagnosis
b) Investigation
c) Differential Diagnosis
Physical Examination
1. Venous Assesment (Foley's catheter disediakan) Hiii apa kaitan foley's catheter dlm hal
ni? Tak lain tak bukan, hanyalah bakal digunakan dlm Tourniquette Test ala-ala 'cuff'.
a) Investigation
b) Management
2. Abdomen auscultation
1) What is bruit?
2) What is hum?
3) Where can you auscultate for aortic bruit
So, ini sajalah yang mampu diingati Ms Ishikawa. Ada lagi yang x mampu nak ingat. Kesimpulannya, slides yang dipapar amat jelas. No need to be worry. Cuma kadang-kadang x berapa faham soalan tu nak jawapan yg bagaimana. Mungkin sebab ni 1st time OSCE. Senior-senior mesti tidak bermasalah untuk menjawab soalan-soalan begini.(Betul x kak muui?)
Ok. Selamat bercuti untuk semua. Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha.
Jangan lupa banyakkan bertakbir pada malam raya dan pada hari-hari tasyriq. Kullu 3am waantum bikher.
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