Kisah Satu
Lama SOL menyepi..sesunyi athar irbed ni.
Rasa-rasa dah masuk winter, tapi bila ke jami3ah panas membahang masih ada. Weather confusion sometimes.
Pejam celik pejam celik dah 2 DzulQaedah rupanya.
Dah lama terfikir nak up-date tapi asyik bertangguh (memang tak elok tabiat menangguh ni)..semua orang gembira meraikan Syawal di Malaysia, terlupa pada SOL.
Patutnya orang balik yang bukan sebab attachment la kena update kan (saya la tu)
Memandangkan cik ishikawa akan pulang lusa, jadi Teduh Dulu takkan sunyi lagi. Yara pun akan lebih meriah lepas ni.
Dah lama terfikir nak up-date tapi asyik bertangguh (memang tak elok tabiat menangguh ni)..semua orang gembira meraikan Syawal di Malaysia, terlupa pada SOL.
Patutnya orang balik yang bukan sebab attachment la kena update kan (saya la tu)
Memandangkan cik ishikawa akan pulang lusa, jadi Teduh Dulu takkan sunyi lagi. Yara pun akan lebih meriah lepas ni.
All the best kpd krew SOL yang telah pun menjejakkan kaki ke tahun enam. Tahun akhir, sangat megujakan! Doa yang terbaik buat kalian semua =)
Kisah Dua
Ok.Jom Dengar Cerita.
Sebelum pulang ke Malaysia baru-baru ni, akhawat medistjust7 telah berjaya menganjurkan Annual Grand Luncheon (AGL). Tahun sebelum ni Annual Grand Dinner (AGD) dan kali ini kelainan sedikit sebab AGL dibuat pada waktu siang.
Disekalikan dengan solat hajat satu batch, persembahan ar-Riyah band, tayangan gambar kenangan sepanjang tahun pengajian kami, makan-makan (pastinya ada) dan juga SPM.
Bukan SPM untuk tingkatan 5 tapi Seminar Penguasaan Muaddal.
Bukan SPM untuk tingkatan 5 tapi Seminar Penguasaan Muaddal.
Memang diakui waktu akhir-akhir summer ni masing-masing dah terbayang sawah padi, air terjun, nenek opah kat malaysia..jadi bila ada program batch yang santai berselang seli dengan motivasi, semangat nak menghadapi exam final lagi berkobar + azam baru untuk pada masa akan datang untuk buat yang lagi baik.
Peringatan yang perlu sentiasa diingatkan, supaya agenda amanah pelajaran dan kecemerlangan akademik sentiasa diberi perhatian.
Apapun, terima kasih kepada senior-senior kami yang menyampaikan slot ini. Senior Syafiq Ali dan Kak Sarah..Memang best la..Saya secara peribadi memang terkesan kat hati apa yang disampaikan oleh mereka. Ditambah dengan Lagu 'Senandung al-Fatihah by Irsyadee & Allah Knows by Zain Bikha, makna yang mendalam bagi siapa yang menghayati lirik lagu-lagu ni.
Peringatan yang perlu sentiasa diingatkan, supaya agenda amanah pelajaran dan kecemerlangan akademik sentiasa diberi perhatian.
Apapun, terima kasih kepada senior-senior kami yang menyampaikan slot ini. Senior Syafiq Ali dan Kak Sarah..Memang best la..Saya secara peribadi memang terkesan kat hati apa yang disampaikan oleh mereka. Ditambah dengan Lagu 'Senandung al-Fatihah by Irsyadee & Allah Knows by Zain Bikha, makna yang mendalam bagi siapa yang menghayati lirik lagu-lagu ni.
Semoga manfaat ilmu yang diberikan akan berterusan bukan sahaja kepada kami yang dah bergelar senior juga kepada junior-junior bawah kami. Jazakumullah.
Sekadar nak dikongsikan bersama, suatu cerita dalam buku ‘Life is an Open Secret’. Cerita ni disampaikan oleh Kak Sarah dalam AGL. Saya suka kisah ni. Mungkin sebab it makes me reflects , as an adult about life’s happenings. Mungkin ada yang ter’pernah tahu cerita ni, tapi takpela saja nak berkongsi.
Boleh baca sendiri. Versi Bahasa Inggeris tapi mudah difahami.
A story of Japanese fishermen who have always loved fresh fish.
But the waters close to Japan have not held many fish for decades.
So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats became bigger and went farther than ever.
The farther the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring in the fish.
There's a problem here, if the return trip took more than a few days the fish would not be fresh.
And the Japanese do not like the taste of not-so-fresh fish!
To solve this problem, fishing companies decided to install freezers on their boats. Fishermen would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer. They thought this would solve the problem.
But they were wrong.
Sekadar nak dikongsikan bersama, suatu cerita dalam buku ‘Life is an Open Secret’. Cerita ni disampaikan oleh Kak Sarah dalam AGL. Saya suka kisah ni. Mungkin sebab it makes me reflects , as an adult about life’s happenings. Mungkin ada yang ter’pernah tahu cerita ni, tapi takpela saja nak berkongsi.
Boleh baca sendiri. Versi Bahasa Inggeris tapi mudah difahami.
A story of Japanese fishermen who have always loved fresh fish.
But the waters close to Japan have not held many fish for decades.
So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats became bigger and went farther than ever.
The farther the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring in the fish.
There's a problem here, if the return trip took more than a few days the fish would not be fresh.
And the Japanese do not like the taste of not-so-fresh fish!
To solve this problem, fishing companies decided to install freezers on their boats. Fishermen would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer. They thought this would solve the problem.
But they were wrong.
The Japanese could actually taste the difference between fresh and frozen, and of course they did not like the taste of frozen fish.
This resulted in the frozen fish being sold at a lower price.
So the fishing companies tried again.
This time, they installed fish tanks. The idea was this- they would catch the fish and stuff them in the tanks alive, fin-to-fin.
After a little thrashing around, the fish would stop moving.
They were tired and dull, but the good news is that they were still alive..
What happens next?
To the dismay of the fishing companies the Japanese could still taste the difference, since the fish did not move for days they had lost their fresh-fish taste.
The japanese preferred the taste of lively fresh fish, not sluggish fish.interesting
that is when they had their brilliant idea.
To keep the fish tasting fresh all the time, the Japanese fishing companies still put live fish into the tanks.
But now they add a small shark to each tank!
The shark eats a few fish, but most of the fish arrive in a very lively state, because they now have to swim actively to avoid being eaten by the shark.
The fish are challenged!
Moral of the story:
The adversities that we face in our lives are actually our little sharks-sharks that we need to make sure we stay awake, alive, vibrant.
and thank Him profusely for all the little sharks He sent to keep us vibrant&alive.
These sharks make us more intelligent, persistent and competent in our lives.
Lastly. Buat kawan-kawan saya yang disayangi semua. Apa pun ‘sharks’ yang kita hadapi, jangan berputus asa. Setiap orang menghadapi laluan kehidupan yang berbeza-beza. Bagaimana kita menanganinya juga berbeza bagi setiap orang. Jatuh bangun lumrah kehidupan, tapi peluang untuk memperbaiki dan buat lebih baik sentiasa ada.
Allah has promised:
Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily to him will We give a new life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions
(An-nahl 16:97)
p/s: special thanks&gratitudes to crew AGL, starring by MedistJust7.Best sgt2. Next time, we plan for another annual grand ok. Susah senang kita bersama, ada masalah jangan segan bercerita=)