11:02 PM

Mini Osce plak tuk Pedi Gp B 2009

salam kawan-kawan..

Mini Osce

1. Ventricular Tac, how to manage? If pulseless, dc shock, if not pulseless, amiodarone and lignocaine(ni my ans, according to notes written on slides doc faisal gtesh)
2. Pneumopericardium, manage by? pericardiocenthesis
3. Oral trush, coz by? Candida albicans
4. Vascular ring, what anomaly related to it?
5. Erythema nodosum, what MO coz it? Streptococcus and TB
6. Gravis Mother, give birth to a child, what do u expect his TSH n T4 level.TSH very low, T4 vey high
7. ABG result, interprete it = Mixed Metabolic and respiratory acidosis
8. CBC result = Goes most likely with IDA, what’s ur next intervention? wAllahi dis q very puzzling, hatta doc khasawneh n doc hala pon tak pasti cuz actually ada kepelikan pada result tu snirik, papepun I put check serum ferritin level.
9. Result CSF = gram + cocci, pastu RBC 20(trauma gamaknya), len2 tak brapa ingat. apa next step? Give vanco(ni doc khasawneh punya jawapan). What most probably MO ? S.pneumonia
10. Lateral xray retropharyngeal abcess, hehe ni lagila sampai juling2 tgk pun gambar tu tak bayyin manala plak sign yang doc want, so what the best next investigation? Kalau retropharyngeal abcess, so most probably if would be laryngoscopy.
11. Dah takde soklan dah, tunggu next gp plak ^_^

OSCe(dah tertulis b4 ternampak ishikawa bagi..takpe bagi la jugak top up mana2)

Station 1

Patient 4yo male periorbital swelling since 3 days(lebih kurang ginila soklan dia), take related hx and answer soklan doc… hx of URTI last 2/1 week


What do u want to find in PE? Dun forget scrotal swelling, BP

Investigation? U/A, streptozym, ASOT etc

What u want to find in U/A? Rbc cast jgn lupa etc

What’s ur management ? Fluid n water restriction, lasix, antihypertensive drug

What hypertensive drug u wanna give?

What mechanism increase BP in this pt?

Station 2

Male pt 9 yo came with bruising and rash since 3days kot tak ingat. Take hx n do PE

Most probably ITP, boleh la check apa yang patut

Station 3

4days old newborn, brought by mom bcz of yellowish discoloration since 2 days.

Hx goes wit Breastfeeding jaundice

What d modalities of treatment?

Whats d mechanism in exchange transfusion and phototherapy?

Len2 tak ingt plak..apepun InsyaAllah khair.soklan pedi takde susah sgt..pentingkan yang mana slalu jumpa dalam round..semoga berjaya semua salam