Sedikit informasi kesihatan yang ingin saya kongsikan
Selepas pulang daripada Jordan menamatkan pengajian, beberapa kenalan yang saya temui bertanyakan masalah kesihatan mereka. Saya menjawab dan menerangkan mana yang termampu berpandukan ilmu yang saya ada.
Sepanjang pemerhatian saya, masalah yang sering ditanyakan dan diminta diberi penjelasan ialah masalah angin dalam badan. Buurrrrp..!!! Jika sendawa selepas makan, ramai yang tidak risau, sendawa kekenyangan katanya. Tetapi jikalau selalu sendawa walaupun dalam keadaan perut kosong, tidakkah pelik namanya..? Kembung perut. Mereka yang bertanya runsing memikirkan kenapa dan bagaimana mengatasinya.
Di sini, suka saya kongsikan maklumat dan penerangan seperti yang diterangkan oleh seorang Pakar Perunding Perubatan dan Gastroenterologi, Pusat Perubatan Kelana Jaya, Dr. Abdul Malik Jamal Buhari kepada akhbar sisipan Kesihatan Mingguan Malaysia beberapa minggu lepas.
Dalam wawancara bersama beliau, Dr. Abdul Malik menafikan seseorang yang dijangkiti demam mempunyai kaitan dengan masalah angin di dalam badan. Bagaimanapun, masalah stres serta komplikasinya seperti sakit kepala, pening, berdebar-debar dan sebagainya berkemungkinan berpunca daripada masalah angin.
Jelasnya, masalah angin dalam badan khususnya sistem penghadaman disebabkan oleh sistem usus yang 'lembap' atau kurang aktif. Ini menyebabkan angin dalam usus tidak dapat dikeluarkan dari badan secara efektif.
Angin di dalam badan berpunca daripada gas di dalam sistem penghadaman atau sistem gastro usus (gastroenterologi). Sistem tersebut mengandungi gas yang tidak berbau iaitu 99% gas buangan dari usus manakala gas yang tidak menyenangkan pula mungkin disebabkan oleh gas yang mengandungi sulfur.
" Ia dilepaskan oleh bakteria di dalam usus besar. Angin disebabkan gas atau angin dalam sistem penghadaman badan datang daripada dua sumber iaitu udara yang disedut dan bakteria dalam usus besar.
Bakteria ini terjadi akibat gangguan daripada makanan yang tidak dihadamkan dengan baik, " katanya.
Secara umumnya,penyakit atau masalah angin adalah perkara biasa bagi kebanyakan orang. Walaupun tiada statistik sebenar, anggaran 30 hingga 40 peratus masyarakat mengalami masalah angin iaitu minimum sekali dalam hidup mereka. Realitinya, masalah angin tidak menyebabkan kemudaratan yang teruk. Ia hanya perasaan tidak selesa dan kurang menyenangkan serta mengganggu kerja harian.
Seperti kebanyakan penyakit lain, angin di dalam badan sering dikaitkan dengan pemakanan. Justeru ia boleh diatasi dengan melebihkan makanan berzat serat (fiber), sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan dan senaman harian.
"Jikalau kesemua di atas tidak mendatangkan manfaat, kita boleh memberikan ubat-ubatan tertentu," ujarnya.
Selain itu, berurut, sauna, bersenam dan gaya hidup sihat dapat membantu mengatasi masalah stres.
Terdapat kepercayaan amalan mandi waktu malam menjadi punca masalah tersebut. Namun, menurut Dr Abdul Malik, tiada bukti saintifik mandi waktu malam boleh menyebabkan angin dalam badan.
Seseorang boleh mengesan dia mengalami masalah angin di dalam badan jika sentiasa sendawa, dan mengalami kembung perut. Keadaan itu menyebabkan rasa kurang selesa, sakit dan seterusnya mengurangkan selera makan dan juga sakit kepala.
Beliau menasihatkan orang ramai yang mengalami gejala tersebut mendapat rawatan doktor di samping menjaga pemakanan serta bersenam.
Ini pula informasi yang saya kumpul berkaitan angin dalam badan menerusi internet. Terma 'aerophagia' yang bermaksud 'makan angin/udara' ada kaitan dengan satu sebab berlebihan angin dalam badan, iaitu berpunca daripada udara yang disedut. Sebab kedua sepertimana yang disebutkan Dr. Malik di atas ialah berpunca daripada bakteria di usus besar yang cuba memecahkan makanan-makanan yang tidak dapat dihadamkan dengan baik.
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Everyone has gas and eliminates it by burping or passing it through the rectum. However, many people think they have too much gas when they really have normal amounts. Most people produce about 1 to 4 pints a day and pass gas about 14 times a day.
The digestive tract.
Gas is made primarily of odorless vapors—carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and sometimes methane. The unpleasant odor of flatulence, the gas that passes through the rectum, comes from bacteria in the large intestine that release small amounts of gases containing sulfur.
Although having gas is common, it can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Understanding causes, ways to reduce symptoms, and treatment will help most people find relief.
What causes gas?
Gas in the digestive tract—the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine—comes from two sources:
- swallowed air
- normal breakdown of certain undigested foods by harmless bacteria naturally present in the large intestine, also called the colon
1. Swallowed Air
Aerophagia, or air swallowing, is a common cause of gas in the stomach. Everyone swallows small amounts of air when eating and drinking. However, eating or drinking rapidly, chewing gum, smoking, or wearing loose dentures can cause some people to take in more air.
Burping, or belching, is the way most swallowed air—which contains nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide—leaves the stomach. The remaining gas moves into the small intestine, where it is partially absorbed. A small amount travels into the large intestine for release through the rectum. The stomach also releases carbon dioxide when stomach acid mixes with the bicarbonate in digestive juices, but most of this gas is absorbed into the bloodstream and does not enter the large intestine.
2. Breakdown of Undigested Foods
The body does not digest and absorb some carbohydrates—the sugar, starches, and fiber found in many foods—in the small intestine because of a shortage or absence of certain enzymes that aid digestion.
This undigested food then passes from the small intestine into the large intestine, where normal, harmless bacteria break down the food, producing hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and, in about one-third of all people, methane. Eventually these gases exit through the rectum.
People who make methane do not necessarily pass more gas or have unique symptoms. A person who produces methane will have stools that consistently float in water. Research has not shown why some people produce methane and others do not.
Foods that produce gas in one person may not cause gas in another. Some common bacteria in the large intestine can destroy the hydrogen that other bacteria produce. The balance of the two types of bacteria may explain why some people have more gas than others.
Which foods cause gas?
Most foods that contain carbohydrates can cause gas. By contrast, fats and proteins cause little gas.
The sugars that cause gas are raffinose, lactose, fructose, and sorbitol.
Raffinose. Beans contain large amounts of this complex sugar. Smaller amounts are found in cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, other vegetables, and whole grains.
Lactose. Lactose is the natural sugar in milk. It is also found in milk products, such as cheese and ice cream, and processed foods, such as bread, cereal, and salad dressing. Many people, particularly those of African, Native American, or Asian background, normally have low levels of lactase, the enzyme needed to digest lactose, after childhood. Also, as people age, their enzyme levels decrease. As a result, over time people may experience increasing amounts of gas after eating food containing lactose.
Fructose. Fructose is naturally present in onions, artichokes, pears, and wheat. It is also used as a sweetener in some soft drinks and fruit drinks.
Sorbitol. Sorbitol is a sugar found naturally in fruits, including apples, pears, peaches, and prunes. It is also used as an artificial sweetener in many dietetic foods and sugar-free candies and gums.
Most starches, including potatoes, corn, pasta, and wheat, produce gas as they are broken down in the large intestine. Rice is the only starch that does not cause gas.
Many foods contain soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves easily in water and takes on a soft, gel-like texture in the intestines. Found in oat bran, beans, peas, and most fruits, soluble fiber is not broken down until it reaches the large intestine, where digestion causes gas.
Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, passes essentially unchanged through the intestines and produces little gas. Wheat bran and some vegetables contain this kind of fiber.
What are some symptoms and problems of gas?
The most common symptoms of gas are flatulence, abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, and belching. However, not everyone experiences these symptoms. The type and degree of symptoms probably depends on how much gas the body produces, how many fatty acids the body absorbs, and a person's sensitivity to gas in the large intestine.
1. Belching
An occasional belch during or after meals is normal and releases gas when the stomach is full of food. However, people who belch frequently may be swallowing too much air and releasing it before the air enters the stomach.
Sometimes a person with chronic belching may have an upper gastrointestinal (GI) disorder, such as peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or gastroparesis, also called delayed gastric emptying.
Sometimes people believe that swallowing air and releasing it will relieve the discomfort of these disorders, and they may intentionally or unintentionally develop a habit of belching to relieve discomfort.
Gas-bloat syndrome may occur after fundoplication surgery to correct GERD. The surgery creates a one-way valve between the esophagus and stomach that allows food and gas to enter the stomach but often prevents normal belching and the ability to vomit. It occurs in about 10 percent of people who have this surgery but may improve with time.
2. Flatulence
Another common complaint is too much flatulence. However, most people do not realize that passing gas 14 to 23 times a day is normal. Too much gas may be the result of carbohydrate malabsorption.
3. Abdominal Bloating
Many people believe that too much gas causes abdominal bloating. However, people who complain of bloating from gas often have normal amounts and distribution of gas. They may just be unusually aware of gas in the digestive tract.
Doctors believe that bloating is usually the result of an intestinal disorder, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The cause of IBS is unknown but may involve abnormal movements and contractions of intestinal muscles and increased pain sensitivity in the intestines. These disorders may give a sensation of bloating because of increased sensitivity to gas.
Any disease that causes intestinal inflammation or obstruction, such as Crohn’s disease or colon cancer, may also cause abdominal bloating. In addition, people who have had many operations, internal hernias, or bands of internal scar tissue called adhesions may experience bloating or pain. Finally, eating a lot of fatty food can delay stomach emptying and cause bloating and discomfort, but not necessarily too much gas.
4. Abdominal Pain and Discomfort
Some people have pain when gas is present in the intestine. When pain is on the left side of the colon, it can be confused with heart disease, which sometimes causes abdominal pain. When the pain is on the right side of the colon, it may mimic gallstones or appendicitis.
What diagnostic tests are used to find the cause of gas?
Because gas symptoms may be caused by a serious disorder, those causes should be ruled out. Health professionals usually begin with a review of dietary habits and symptoms. The health professional may ask the patient to keep a diary of foods and beverages consumed for a specific time period.
If lactase deficiency is the suspected cause of gas, the health professional may suggest avoiding milk products for a period of time. A blood or breath test may be used to diagnose lactose intolerance.
In addition, to determine if someone produces too much gas in the colon or is unusually sensitive to the passage of normal gas volumes, the health professional may ask a patient to count the number of times he passes gas during the day and include this information in a diary.
Careful review of diet and the amount of gas passed may help relate specific foods to symptoms and determine the severity of the problem.
Because the symptoms that people may have are so variable, the health professional may order other types of diagnostic tests in addition to a physical exam, depending on the patient's symptoms and other factors.
How is gas treated?
Experience has shown that the most common ways to reduce the discomfort of gas are changing diet, taking medicines, and reducing the amount of air swallowed.
1. Diet
Health professionals may tell people to eat fewer foods that cause gas. However, for some people this may mean cutting out healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and milk products.
Health professionals may also suggest limiting high-fat foods to reduce bloating and discomfort. Less fat in the diet helps the stomach empty faster, allowing gases to move into the small intestine.
Unfortunately, the amount of gas caused by certain foods varies from person to person. Effective dietary changes depend on learning through trial and error how much of the offending foods one can handle.
2. Nonprescription Medicines
Digestive enzymes, available as over-the-counter supplements, help digest carbohydrates and may allow people to eat foods that normally cause gas.
The enzyme lactase, which aids with lactose digestion, is available in caplet and chewable tablet form without a prescription; Lactaid and Lactrase are two common brands. Taking lactase supplements just before eating helps digest foods that contain lactose. Also, lactose-reduced milk and other products, such as Lactaid and Dairy Ease, are available at many grocery stores.
Beano, an over-the-counter digestive aid, contains the sugar-digesting enzyme that the body lacks to digest the sugar in beans and many vegetables. The enzyme comes in liquid and tablet form. Five drops are added per serving or one tablet is swallowed just before eating to break down the gas-producing sugars. Beano has no effect on gas caused by lactose or fiber.
3. Prescription Medicines
Doctors may prescribe medicines to help reduce symptoms, especially for people with a disorder such as IBS. For more information about IBS, see the Irritable Bowel Syndrome fact sheet from the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse.
4. Reducing Swallowed Air
For those who have chronic belching, health professionals may suggest ways to reduce the amount of air swallowed. Two options are to avoid chewing gum and to avoid eating hard candy. Eating at a slow pace and checking with a dentist to make sure dentures fit properly should also help.
Points to Remember
Although gas may be uncomfortable and embarrassing, it is not life threatening. Understanding causes, ways to reduce symptoms, and treatment will help most people find some relief.
Everyone has gas in the digestive tract.
People often believe normal passage of gas to be excessive.
Gas comes from two main sources: swallowed air and normal breakdown of certain foods by harmless bacteria naturally present in the large intestine.
Many foods with carbohydrates can cause gas. Fats and proteins cause little gas.
- Foods that may cause gas include
- beans
- vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, onions, artichokes, and asparagus
- fruits, such as pears, apples, and peaches
- whole grains, such as whole wheat and bran
- soft drinks and fruit drinks
- milk and milk products, such as cheese and ice cream, and packaged foods prepared with lactose, such as bread, cereal, and salad dressing
- foods containing sorbitol, such as dietetic foods and sugar-free candies and gums
The most common symptoms of gas are belching, flatulence, bloating, and abdominal pain. However, some of these symptoms may be caused by an intestinal disorder, such as IBS, rather than too much gas.
The most common ways to reduce the discomfort of gas are changing one’s diet, taking digestive enzymes to help digest carbohydrates, and reducing the amount of air swallowed.
For More Information
American Dietetic Association
120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60606–6995
Internet: (Click on "Find a Nutrition Professional")
Other site can be visited
Aerophagia remedies
Semoga maklumat di atas sedikit sebanyak membantu untuk mereka yang ada masalah ini memahami kenapa dan bagaimana mengatasinya.
Sebarang pertanyaan dan pembetulan dialu-alukan.
52 silent voices:
Thank you for the info! ^^
Nice info.erm..kdg2 kan org tua bila kita urut bahagian leher dia,akan mudah sendawa dan silap2 org yg urut pun turut sendawa.mmg ada sesetengah org boleh keluarkan angin sendiri ker?camne nk kuarkan angin sendiri.
Thanks for the info..
Ada kenalan yg ada penyakit perut (tatau la nama barah perut ke usus ke..) Takde tanda2 awal, tapi tiba2 dia banyak sangat ANGIN.. Asyik keluar angin saja, hinggakan ahli keluarga tegur - ingatkan sudah tabiat.. Bila check di Hospital, baru dapat tahu ada penyakit..
Usus dia bernanah!
Maka, doktor tebuk perut dia, dan perlu cuci nanah setiap hari (guna tangan saja!) Caranya dia kene seluk perut (ikut lubang yg doktor buat) dalam bentuk L, dan tarik nanah2 keluar dari situ.. Sekali cuci boleh dapat sebaldi kecil. Bayangkanlah! Awal2 dulu doktor buat, tapi lame2 kena buat sendiri.. Arrggghh.. Ngerinye!
Jadi kalau selalu 'berangin' tu, jgn ambil mudah, takut tiba2 dapat tahu ada penyakit..
Jagalah perut anda..
p/s:Jangan kutuk orang macam saya yang tak makan pedas.. Pedas tu penghakis perut.. hehe
thanks, good info,
saya mmg nak tau mana datang angin dalam badan ni. saya kerap sgt sakit badan, susah sgt nak buang angin dari badan ni even dah try macam2. sbb angin ni setiap bulan saya akan teruk sangat kne angin sampai kne amek shot kat clinic..kadang2 weekly sy kne amek shot..sbb angin yg teruk ni, sy pun ade gastric..and sembelit. dua minggu sekali baru pegi tandas. sangat teruk. and bila datang period, sakit teramat sgt..tiap2 bulan MC at least 3 hari sbb period pain yg teruk.
bila saya mengandung it get worse. saya dah try macam2..tapi stil tak selesaikan masalah angin saya secara kekal. saya minum air suam panas, halia, bwg putih, pill angin dari Dr, lada hitam, berurut buang angin, satu sesi RM30 ringgit, saya kene pegi seminggu sekali sbb teruk sangat..tapi masalah saya selesai sementara saja. still datang balik angin saya. sampai saya terpaksa pantang makanan2 berangin n sejuk mcm nangka. kobis, air sejuk dan sebagainya..kalau tidak mmg tersumbat angin dalam badan sampai sesak nafas and sakit seluruh badan. mata ni macam terbeliak besar bila kene angin tersumbat ni.bila keadaan sejuk lagilah, teruk angin saya. saya start suffer angin ni sejak umur 15 tahun..sekarang dah 26 tahun.
alhamdulillah, berkat doa and usaha saya mencari ubat untuk problem saya ni..saya ditemukan dgn eXfuze seven+. 4 april 2011 saya minum 1 ounce, malam itu jugak saya kentut tak berhenti (even waktu tidur, suami saya yg perasan) and berterusan selama 3 hari berturut2. berak pula hari2 and hitam pekat (ingatkan sakit ape ntah) selama 20 hari. and pada hari ke 18. 19, and 20 tu..buangan saya ada skali dgn gumpalan2 darah (kecik tak besar)..
kesimpulannya, lepas 3 hari munum, masalah angin saya selesai..sehingga kini saya takda masalah angin, alhamdulillah lps makan saya sendawa mcm org lain (sebelum ni jangan harap), dah boleh makan apa saja takda lagi masalah angin tersumbat. and lepas 20 hari..baru saya tau rupanya ianya mencuci segala toxin yg ada dalam badan saya. dan buang melalui berak. usus saya pulak betapa teruknya. hanya Allah yg tahu. sekarang saya ke toilet membuang setiap hari, dan elok pembuangan saya. mcm selalu jumpa Dr india akan tanye, mcm mane berak, ada gold color ka? terapung ka? pisang ka... :) alhamdulillah. hemoglobin saya pun dah tak paras merah lagi..tekanan darah saya dah tak rendah lagi. dan kini saya sihat 37 minggu pregnant, tunggu masa bersalin saja. keep on minum exfuze as supplement harian saya :)
jadi saya recommend supplement ni pada org yg masalah mcm saya. even kakak saya mengandung 2 bulan, check Dr pakar kat putrajaya, ada fabroid...minum exfuze 3 minggu, check pula bulan ketiga..Dr claim confirm no fabroid seen. Alhamdulillah, rezeki tuhan. inilah power ekstrak 7 superfruit fuzed together. kami keep on ambil eXfuze sampaikan dalam pantang pun nak minum eXfuze. :)
makanan harian kita mmg tak mampu nak buat kita sihat walafiat...malah menyebabkan kita berpenyakit macam2. sangat perlu supplement mcm ni tuk boost immune system and sihat selalu. 100% botanical, no sodium benzoate and lulus kementerian kesihatan, halal jakim, dan BSCG. mengandung, bayi baru lahir sampai ke tua, semua boleh minum. semoga semua org jumpa penyelesaian masalah kesihatan dier seperti keluarga saya~ameen~ Wallahualam
kak snow flake, boleh bagi full name ubat tu x..saye mengalami masalah yg same..angin kdg2 tsekat..n sush nk bnafas..coz baru2 ni,dr. suspect saye ade asthma..siksa sgt ble nak kena control angin n sesak nafas..tdo mlm tjage je..
salam kak snow pun mgalami situasi mcm kakak.....bleh sy tahu nama penuh suplemen dan dimana bleh beli suplemen tue?tq
salam kak..saya pun asyik keluar angin je..tapi selalunya macam sendawa la walaupun saya tak makan apa-apa lagi..macam mana ye?saya pon risau jugak..
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(1) Kanser pangkal rahim - sebarang lelehan atau pendarahan yang luarbiasa, sakit selepas bersama dengan pasangan dan turun berat badan.
(2) Kanser payudara - bengkak atau gumpalan di buah dada, keluar cairan berdarah dari puting, pembesaran kelenjar di ketiak, kedutan pada kulit di buah dada.
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(4) Kanser paru-paru - batuk kuat berterusan, batuk berdarah, nafas termengah-mengah, sakit dada dan hilang berat badan.
(5) Kanser perut - hilang berat badan, muntah berdarah, sistem pencernaan yang tidak teratur, cepat kenyang walaupun makan sedikit.
(6) Kanser limpa - sakit di bahagian abdomen, hilang selera makan, turun berat badan, kulit dan mata menjadi kuning dan bahagian abdomen membengkak.
(7) Kanser ovari - haid tidak teratur, tumbuhan keras di bahagian abdomen, sakit semasa bersenggama, ketumbuhan bulu rambut yang melampau, suara menjadi lebih mendalam.
(8) Kanser otak - sakit kepala, muntah-muntah, gangguan penglihatan, lemah atau lumpuh, pening/pitam, pelupa, perubahan personaliti.
(9) Kanser prostat - sukar dan sakit semasa kencing yang berpanjangan.
(10) Kanser darah (leukimia) -letih, pucat, mudah lebam dan mudah mendapat jangkitan (infection).
(11) Kanser tekak - suara garau/serak, ada ketumbuhan di tekak, sukar menelan dan kelenjar membengkak di leher. ada menjual herba warisan yg mampu menyembuhkan kanser dan pelbagai jenis kanser..tahap 1 tahap 2 tahap 3 tahap 4.memusnahkan dan mematikan sel sel kanser..herba warisan ini terlalu berkesan...akar kayu warisan...merawat dan membaik pulih...jangan sehinga terlewat..jangan biarkan hidup derita..selagi boleh rawat lebih baik merawat..hutan belantara kita tersembunyi sejuta 1 rahsia...herba ini amat amat mujarab..jangan biar derita membunuh kehidupan anda.ramai yang dah berjaya sembuh dengan produk sy call saya xpun msg xpun wasap sy 0174687570 mohd cma bntu tidak sangup tngok org dpn mata sy sengsara xpun di ragut nyawa...penawar nya telah ada...hubungi sy secepat munkin
terima kasih atas info. bersauna tu menarik. berurut dah biasa sgt buat
brapa harga 7 plus ni?
Great post. thanks
Jual Kelinci
Jual Kelinci
Holland Lop
Terima kasih atas entri yang bermanfaat , siap ada rujukan doctor.
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